Blar i SIHF Open Archive på forfatter "Myhre, Janne"
Kan kompleksitetsteori bidra til bedre forståelse og tiltak ved aggresjon, overgrep og forsømmelser i sykehjem?
Myhre, Janne; Lichtwarck, Bjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Sammendrag: Utfra vår erfaring og forskning vet vi at hendelser med aggresjon, overgrep og forsømmelse i sykehjem har en sterk sammenheng, opptrer ofte samtidig, og har flere sammenfallende determinanter. De er vanligvis ... -
The Special Care Unit for People with Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (SCU- B) in the Context of the Project “RECage-Respectful Caring for Agitated Elderly”: A Qualitative Study
Guazzarini, Anna Giulia; Casanova, Georgia; Buchholz, Friederike; Kozori, Mahi; Lavolpe, Sara; Lichtwarck, Bjørn; Margioti, Eleni; Mendes, Aline; Montandon, Marie-Louise; Murasecco, Ilenia; Myhre, Janne; Poptsi, Elena; Reda, Valentina; Ulshöfer, Dorothea Elisabeth; Fascendini, Sara (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Dementia is a priority for global public health. The management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) is one of the highest ongoing challenges and needs new approaches. The special care ... -
TIME to reduce agitation in persons with dementia in nursing homes. A process evaluation of a complex intervention
Lichtwarck, Bjørn; Myhre, Janne; Selbæk, Geir; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Rokstad, Anne Marie Mork; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Bergh, Sverre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)BACKGROUND: The Targeted Intervention Interdisciplinary Model for Evaluation and Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms (TIME) has recently in a three-month cluster randomised controlled trial demonstrated reduction ... -
TIME – Targeted interdisciplinary model for evaluation and treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms : protocol for an effectiveness-implementation cluster randomized hybrid trial
Lichtwarck, Bjørn; Selbæk, Geir; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Rokstad, Anne Marie Mork; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Myhre, Janne; Nybakken, Solvor; Bergh, Sverre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background: Nearly all persons with dementia will experience neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) during the course of their disease. Clinicians and researchers emphasize the need for an evidence-informed standardized approach ... -
Vold, overgrep, utelatt helsehjelp, forsømmelser og aggresjon: Begrepsbruk i en norsk sykehjemskontekst
Sandmoe, Astrid; Myhre, Janne; Iversen, Maria Helen; Eriksen, Siren; Lichtwarck, Bjørn (Professional article, 2022)Vold, overgrep, utelatt helsehjelp, forsømmelser og aggresjon er begreper som beskriver uønskede hendelser i syke hjem. Samtidig er det ingen enhetlig oppfatning av hvordan disse begrepene forstås eller brukes. I denne ...