Blar i SIHF Open Archive på forfatter "Lien, Lars"
Acting on audit & feedback: a qualitative instrumental case study in mental health services in Norway
Pedersen, Monica Stolt; Landheim, Anne; Møller, Merete; Lien, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Background The National Guideline for Assessment, Treatment and Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Concurrent Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders, launched in 2012, is to be implemented in mental health services ... -
Attachment styles of dermatological patients in europe: A multicentre study in 13 countries
Szabo, Csanad; Altmayer, Anita; Lien, Lars; Poot, Francoise; Gieler, Uwe; Tómas-Aragonés, Lucía; Kupfer, Jörg; Jemec, Gregor B.E.; Misery, Laurent; Linder, Dennis; Sampogna, Francesca; Van Middendorp, Henriet; Halvorsen, Jon Anders; Balieva, Flora Nicol; Szepietowski, Jacek C.; Romanov, Dmitry; Marrón, Servando E.; Altunay, Ilknur K.; Finlay, Andrew Y.; Salek, Sam S.; Dalgard, Florence (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Attachment styles of dermatological outpatients and satisfaction with their dermatologists were investigated within the framework of a multicentre study conducted in 13 European countries, organized by the European Society ... -
Audit and feedback in mental healthcare: staff experiences
Pedersen, Monica Stolt; Landheim, Anne; Møller, Merete; Lien, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose Audit and feedback (A&F) often underlie implementation projects, described as a circular process; i.e. an A&F cycle. They are widely used, but effect varies with no apparent explanation. We need to understand how ... -
The burden of somatic diseases among people with alcohol- and drug use disorders are influenced by mental illness and low socioeconomic status. A registry-based cohort study in Norway
Skarstein, Siv; Lien, Lars; Abebe, Dawit Shawel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Objectives: Persons with alcohol use disorder (AUD) and drug use disorder (DUD) have a lower life expectancy than the general population. We examined the burden of somatic diseases among persons with AUD or DUD and ... -
Change in Mental Health Stigma After a Brief Intervention Among Internally Displaced Persons in Central Sudan
Sanhori, Zeinat; Eide, Arne Henning; Ayazi, Touraj; Mdala, Ibrahimu; Lien, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Stigmatizing attitudes towards people with mental illness is a worldwide phenomenon, This Longitudinal study aimed to determine the level of stigma, among the internal displaced persons in central Sudan and explore possible ... -
Clinical decision-making style preferences of European psychiatrists: Results from the Ambassadors survey in 38 countries
Kuzman, Martina Rojnic; Slade, Michael; Puschner, Bernd; Scanferla, Elisabetta; Bajic, Zarko; Courtet, Philippe; Samochowiec, Jerzy; Arango, Celso; Vahip, Simavi; Taube, Maris; Falkai, Peter; Dom, Geert; Izakova, Lubomira; Carpiniello, Bernardo; Bellani, Marcella; Fiorillo, Andrea; Skugarevsky, Oleg; Mihaljevic-Peles, Alma; Telles-Correia, Diogo; Novais, Filipa; Mohr, Pavel; Wancata, Johannes; Hultén, Martin; Chkonia, Eka; Balazs, Judit; Beezhold, Julian; Lien, Lars; Mihajlovic, Goran; Delic, Mirjana; Stoppe, Gabriela; Racetovic, Goran; Babic, Dragan; Mazaliauskiene, Ramune; Cozman, Doina; Hjerrild, Simon; Chihai, Jana; Flannery, William; Melartin, Tarja; Maruta, Nataliya; Soghoyan, Armen; Gorwood, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: While shared clinical decision-making (SDM) is the preferred approach to decision-making in mental health care, its implementation in everyday clinical practice is still insufficient. The European Psychiatric ... -
Course of depression symptoms between 3 and 8 months after delivery using two screening tools (EPDS and HSCL-10) on a sample of Sudanese women in Khartoum state
Khalifa, Dina Sami; Glavin, Kari; Bjertness, Espen; Lien, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Background Effects of depression on parenting and on cognitive development of newborns are augmented when symptoms continue throughout the first postnatal year. Current classification systems recognize maternal depression ... -
Cytokine concentrations are related to level of mental distress in inpatients not using anti-inflammatory drugs
Toft, Helge Prytz; Lien, Lars; Bramness, Jørgen Gustav; Tilden, Terje; Neupane, Sudan Prasad; Abebe, Dawit Shawel; Wampold, Bruce E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Abstract OBJECTIVE: Cross-sectional data show elevated levels of circulating cytokines in psychiatric patients. The literature is divided concerning anti-inflammatory drugs' ability to relieve symptoms, questioning a ... -
Dermatologists across Europe underestimate depression and anxiety: results from 3635 dermatological consultations
Dalgard, Florence; Svensson, Åke; Gieler, Uwe; Tómas-Aragonés, Lucía; Lien, Lars; Poot, Françoise; Jemec, Gregor Borut Ernst; Misery, Laurent; Szabó, Csanád; Linder, Dennis; Sampogna, Francesca; Evers, Andrea Walburga Maria; Halvorsen, Jon Anders; Balieva, Flora Nicol; Szepiełöwski, Jacek Cezary; Lvov, Andrey; Marrón, Servando E.; Alturnay, I. K.; Finlay, Andrew Yule; Salek, Sam S.; Kupfer, Jörg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Background: It was recently demonstrated that a significant number of patients with common skin diseases across Europe are clinically depressed and anxious. Studies have shown that physicians not trained as psychiatrists ... -
Determinants of psychosocial health in psoriatic patients: A multinational study
Lesner, Karolina; Reich, Adam; Szepietowski, Jacek C.; Dalgard, Florence; Gieler, Uwe; Tomasaragones, Lucia; Lien, Lars; Poot, Francoise; Jemec, Gregor B.; Misery, Laurent; Szabó, Csanád; Linder, Dennis; Sampogna, Francesca; Evers, Andrea W.M.; Halvorsen, Jon Anders; Balieva, Flora Nicol; Lvov, Andrey; Marrón, Servando E.; Altunay, Ilknur K.; Finlay, Andrew Y.; Salek, Sam S.; Kupfer, Jörg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)There are limited data on the differences in the impact of psoriasis between various countries with respect to quality of life (QoL). The aim of this study was to explore the psychosocial health of patients with psoriasis ... -
Dilemmas in recovery-oriented practice to support people with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders: A qualitative study of staff experiences in Norway
Brekke, Eva; Lien, Lars; Nysveen, Kari; Biong, Stian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Background Recovery-oriented practice is recommended in services for people with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Understanding practitioners’ perceptions of recovery-oriented services may be a key ... -
Does death of a family member moderate the relationship between religious attendance and depressive symptoms? The HUNT study, Norway
Sørensen, Torgeir; Danbolt, Lars Johan; Holmen, Jostein; Koenig, Harold G.; Lien, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Abstract BACKGROUND: The death of a family member is a stressful life event and can result in an increased level of depressive symptoms. Previous American research has shown inverse relationships between religious ... -
Experiences of Professional Helping Relations by Persons with Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
Brekke, Eva; Lien, Lars; Biong, Stian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Recovery in co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders often involves relationships with professional helpers, yet little is known about how these are experienced by service users. The aim of this study was to ... -
Factors associated with low vs increased perceived mastery of clinical work over ten years of practice: a prospective study of Norwegian doctors
Belfrage, Anna; Grotmol, Kjersti Støen; Tyssen, Reidar; Moum, Torbjørn Åge; Lien, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Background A higher sense of mastery of doctors’ clinical work could benefit not only their own mental health but also their work performance and patient care. However, we know little about factors associated with perceived ... -
Factors influencing doctors' counselling on patients' lifestyle habits: a cohort study
Belfrage, Anna; Grotmol, Kjersti Støen; Tyssen, Reidar; Moum, Torbjørn Åge; Finset, Arnstein; Isaksson Rø, Karin; Lien, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Background Lifestyle changes are important for prevention and treatment of many common diseases, and doctors have an important role in the lifestyle counselling of patients. It is important to know more about factors ... -
Fargerikt og grønt - innvandrere og friluftsliv
Leonhardt, Marja; Lien, Lars (NaKuHel og folkehelse som bærekraft: Samspillet Natur-Kultur-Helse sett i lys av FNs bærekraftmål;, Chapter, 2019)Aktiviteter ute i naturen – friluftsliv – hører til norsk kultur. For personer som er nye i Norge kan dette være uvant. Ulike minoritetsgrupper har ulike oppfatninger av fritid, avslapping og rekreasjon. At innvandrere ... -
First-line managers' experience of the use of audit and feedback cycle in specialist mental health care: A qualitative case study
Pedersen, Monica Stolt; Landheim, Anne; Møller, Merete; Lien, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Abstract Background Audit and feedback was the main strategy to facilitate implementation of The National Guideline for Persons with Concurrent Substance Use Disorders and Mental Disorders in specialist mental health ... -
First-person experiences of recovery in co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions
Brekke, Eva; Lien, Lars; Davidson, Larry; Biong, Stian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore and describe experiences of recovery among people with co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions (co-occurring conditions) in a rural community in Norway. ... -
High frequency and intensity of drinking may attenuate increased inflammatory cytokine levels of major depression in alcohol-use disorders
Neupane, Sudan Prasad; Lien, Lars; Martinez, Priscilla; Aukrust, Pål; Ueland, Thor; Mollnes, Tom Eirik; Hestad, Knut; Bramness, Jørgen Gustav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)As major depression (MD) is often comorbid with alcohol-use disorders (AUD) and alcohol itself modulates the immune system, we examined serum levels of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and interferon ... -
Immigrants’ utilization of specialist mental healthcare according to age, country of origin, and migration history: a nation-wide register study in Norway
Abebe, Dawit Shawel; Lien, Lars; Elstad, Jon Ivar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Purpose As the immigrant population rises in Norway, it becomes ever more important to consider the responsiveness of health services to the specific needs of these immigrants. It has been questioned whether access to ...