Browsing SIHF Open Archive by Author "Eriksen, Siren"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Characteristics, Burden of Care and Quality of Life of Next of Kin of People with Dementia Attending Farm-Based Day Care in Norway: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study
Taranrød, Liv Bjerknes; Eriksen, Siren; Pedersen, Ingeborg; Kirkevold, Øyvind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose: Caring for people with dementia is often associated with burden of care and may influence the quality of life of the next of kin. The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of the next of kin to ... -
Clinical expressions, characteristics and treatments of confirmed COVID-19 in nursing home residents: a systematic review
Nilsen, Anita; Lichtwarck, Bjørn; Eriksen, Siren; Rokstad, Anne Marie Mork (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to a high rate of infections, frequent outbreaks, and high mortality rates in nursing homes (NH) worldwide. To protect and improve the treatment and care of the ... -
The experience of relatives of nursing home residents with COVID-19 : a qualitative study
Tretteteig, Signe; Eriksen, Siren; Hillestad, Adelheid H.; Julnes, Signe Gunn; Lichtwarck, Bjørn; Nilsen, Anita; Rokstad, Anne Marie Mork (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic had significant consequences for relatives’ opportunities to communicate with and offer care to seriously ill and dying nursing home residents with COVID-19. ... -
Farm-based day care services – a prospective study protocol on health benefits for people with dementia and next of kin
Eriksen, Siren; Pedersen, Ingeborg; Taranrød, Liv Bjerknes; Ellingsen-Dalskau, Lina Harvold; Garshol, Bjørnar Finnanger; Ibsen, Tanja Louise; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Strandli, Elin Aarø; Patil, Grete Grindal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Introduction: The increasing number of people with dementia will place a considerable challenge on the health care system and will necessitate innovation and new solutions. Day care services aim to provide meaningful ... -
Nurses’ ethical challenges when providing care in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Hillestad, Adelheid Hummelvoll; Rokstad, Anne Marie Mork; Tretteteig, Signe; Julnes, Signe Gunn; Lichtwarck, Bjørn; Eriksen, Siren (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Older, frail patients with multimorbidity are at an especially high risk for disease severity anddeath from COVID-19. The social restrictions proved challenging for the residents, their relatives, and thecare ... -
Optimizing access to and use of formal dementia care: Qualitative findings from the European Actifcare study
Kerpershoek, Liselot; Wolfs, Claire; Verhey, Frans; Jelley, Hannah; Woods, Bob; Bieber, Anja; Bartoszek, Gabriele; Stephan, Astrid; Selbæk, Geir; Eriksen, Siren; Sjölund, Britt-Marie; Hopper, Louise; Irving, Kate; Goncalves-Pereira, Manuel; Portolani, Daniel; Zanetti, Orazio; Vugt, Marjolein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper reports on qualitative data from the Actifcare study investigating experiences, attitudes, barriers and facilitators concerning access to and use of formal care. A total of 85 semi-structured in-depth interviews ... -
People with dementia attending farm-based day care in Norway – Individual and farm characteristics associated with participants’ quality of life
Ibsen, Tanja Louise; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Patil, Grete Grindal; Eriksen, Siren (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)AbstractFarm-based day care for people with dementia is supposed to improve the partici-pants quality of life by using activities and resources of the farm environment to promote mental and physical health. In this paper, ... -
Vold, overgrep, utelatt helsehjelp, forsømmelser og aggresjon: Begrepsbruk i en norsk sykehjemskontekst
Sandmoe, Astrid; Myhre, Janne; Iversen, Maria Helen; Eriksen, Siren; Lichtwarck, Bjørn (Professional article, 2022)Vold, overgrep, utelatt helsehjelp, forsømmelser og aggresjon er begreper som beskriver uønskede hendelser i syke hjem. Samtidig er det ingen enhetlig oppfatning av hvordan disse begrepene forstås eller brukes. I denne ...